Everything You Need to Create Professional Grade Content

What exactly do you need in order to create high quality, professional content for your business? This a question we get asked a lot so we have finally decided to make our own Amazon storefront with all of the items we recommend to our clients!

Let’s dive in

High Quality Camera

Don’t worry we don’t expect you to drop $1,000+ on a new camera just yet (although we do have the exact camera we use linked in our storefront) we just mean have some sort of device that can take a clear and decent photo. A lot of times we use our phones (iphone 12 or newer) when filming for clients and the content turns out just fine!


This one is essential when it comes to filming yourself. Stop trying to prop your phone up on the counter where it puts you at a weird angle and just bite the $30 bullet.

Ring light

A lot of our clients are filming in their offices and lets face it…. office lighting isn’t the most flattering which is why we recommend a ring light! Its the simplest way to achieve flattering lighting in all of your videos!

Find everything else on our list here.

XO, TJ Team


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